Pension Commutation InstructionIf you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us on 1300 809 933.Name of Person Completing this Form* First Last Email Address*This email address will receive a confirmatory email when this form has been successfully submitted. Are you completing this form on behalf of the fund's adviser?* Yes NoAdviser Name*The adviser will receive a copy of this form on submission. First Last Adviser Email Address* Fund Name*Note that this authority is applied at the fund level, not the member level.Treating pension payments over the minimum as commutations, optimises members' transfer balance accounts. It's not suitable for everyone as it may have adverse social security and/or death benefit pension effects, including estate planning consequences where customised measures have been arranged. It should also be used with caution where UK Pension funds are involved as any commutation of an accumulation account requires reporting to HMRC. The authority is applied on a fund basis, not a member, basis. If this fund already has a standing authority in place, then it should be renewed.* We require a permanent direction to treat all fund benefit payments in excess of the pension minimums in the following order: 1. To satisfy the minimum requirement for any other fund pension, across all members 2. As a lump sum drawdown from any accumulation account 3. As a partial commutation of a pension account starting with that containing the highest taxable component. We do not require a permanent direction but, instead, have provided specific instructions for a one-off action in the Additional Information section below.When this document has been created, it will be Docusign emailed to the fund's primary email address, at your office. You may choose to print it and have the trustees sign the physical document or merely release it to the trustees. It will be effective once we have received the signed copy.* AcknowledgedTrustee Chairman*This trustee will be the signatory on the authority. First Last Trustee Chairman's Email* Additional Information