Our Extra Services for SMSF Advisers

Many of the recipients of this newsletter have not experienced our services. Also, many that have, may not be familiar with their extent. We have recently produced a small video presentation, available from Our Solutions web page, that covers our offering in under two...

Pension Changes Simplified

There have been so many words devoted to the recent pension changes, and those just introduced to parliament, that you could be forgiven for not understanding what has already happened and what will happen if the Bill becomes law. If a fund has only account based...

E-Signature Risks

Due to their significant convenience and efficiency we have adopted the use of electronic signatures as our default – but not for everything. We still require wet signatures for Deeds, and some other documentation, even though this slows down the process. We know that...

SMSF Mandatory Reading

SMSF Adviser published an article by Deanne Firth of Tactical Super that I feel should be retained to provide to SMSF trustees who complain about having to justify their related party transactions. Essentially, a member drew loans, in multiple tranches over three...

TBAR Alert

By 28th October, some SMSFs will need to have reported any pension establishments or commutations that occurred since July 1. These are the funds that have been self assessed as quarterly reporting for TBAR purposes. To work out if quarterly or annual reporting...